Friday, October 31, 2014

A peer wins the world's highest award

What did you do in your last science class? Experiments? Take notes? Tweet something "inspiring" to your followers?

For Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, she was learning about electrolysis in her chemistry class. Oh, and she was told that she was the youngest person ever to win the world's highest honor.

Malala Yousafzai,17, is sharing the Nobel Peace Prize with an Indian man. It's a pretty big deal. The Nobel Peace Prize goes to the person who has made the biggest impact globally on bringing humankind together and actually doing something worthwhile. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's Halloween - let's tell a scary story!

As a kid, these stories were super scary. Source: Wikipedia
In celebration of the holiday meant to scare* you, let's tell scary stories.

But I really don't have time to read novels. Let's make things interesting by having you tell a scary story in 140 characters - essentially writing a horror story in a tweet.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Look at the awesomenesss over ------>

Look at them all, just shiny and new in the ways of the blogging world. They're waiting for you to discover their awesomeness. Take some time now and view the blogs. Provide comment that is appropriate.

Welcome to ... the Blog!

This is where I will provide rants and discussion questions for enlighten discussion. Visit my blog to see others!