Monday, February 2, 2015

Jacob Riis Research Task

We read texts, watched videos and viewed images about the tenement issue in NYC during the turn of the century. You were tasked to read, research, and discuss the following prompts:

  • Determine the central idea of “Genesis of the Tenement” and how Riis develops this idea over the course of the text.
  • Examine the images in the textbook as well as the additional images (found in the Reading Resources) and determine how the images help support Riis’ claim in his essay.
  • Watch the video, “America: The Story of Us - Jacob Riis.” Determine how the advancement of flash photography was able to help Riis prove his claim.
  • Read the report on Child Mortality Rates. How does the chart support Riis’ claim? How does the format of the chart help create a context for the reader?

Answer each prompt below. Be sure to delineate which answer is which.


  1. 1st Question: Riis ideas developed over the text, as he gradually kept new problems about the tenements coming up and constantly talking about the cheap living conditions.
    2nd Question: The images gave Riis better support about his claim that tenements were terrible and they needed to be better. Rather than just saying something about it or writing about it.

  2. 2nd Question: The images gave Riis help to support his claim by giving readers and people around the world a true example of how immigrants in New York actually lived in the tenements on a day to day basis.

    3rd Question: The advancement of flash photography helped Riis to prove his claim by making it faster to take a picture in dark areas in less than a minute. It also helped to bring attention to the harsh and dangerous conditions that those immigrants lived in.

    4th Question: The Child Mortality Rate chart gave evidence of different areas and the death of children under the age of five years old. The death rates were very high and just shows that there must be a problem with the tenements since so many children and infants were dying due to the dangerous conditions.

  3. 3rd Question: The advancement of flash photography helped Riis prove his claim by making it faster to take a picture of a dark room and reveal everything clearly. In the video, it shows how he took pictures of a dark room in a tenement that had people sleeping on the floors and living in dangerous and nasty conditions.

    1st Question: Riis developed the idea of this text by seeing the many people living in these hazardous and nasty conditions. He decides to show the world how people in tenements really live and how they are being treated by the owners of the tenements.

    2nd Question: The images that we see in the textbook and the additional images help support his claim showing the state of those who live in the tenements and bad it is to really live in those types of conditions. It also shows the emotion and hardship of the people living in the tenements.

  4. 1. His central idea was prove how these immigrants were living. This terrible places with no food,space, and or personal hygiene. He wanted the rich people to get involved so they could stop this.
    2. The images help his claim and what he's trying to get done about the immigrants living in the tenements.
    3. The flash photography helped support his claim because he used them in slideshows and it gave off a better picture to explain everything that was going on.
    4. This chart shows the death rate is very high with children under five years old so there must be something wrong with tenements.

  5. !st Question: The central idea of "Genesis of the Tenement Riis is describing what there Tenements look like, and where they were added on. But the Central idea Riis was trying to get across to the reader is that it seems like the poorer you are the more you have to pay for a small amount of space.

    2nd Question & 3rd Question: The images that are shown in the textbook and the additional images give actual evidence to show the state and the people all across the United States that people might say America is perfect but the images show that America is not as perfect as people say it is. Flash Photography was able to help Riis convince the state that something needs to be done about the Tenement situation. It captured real images and real events. It was important because if Riis didn't have flash photography he would have failed at convincing the state to help these people.

    4th Question: The Child Mortality Rates give evidence of different areas and the death of children from the ages 5 years old and younger. The death rates are extremely high and proves that there is something severely wrong with living conditions and the environments these children were in.

  6. 1st question: The central idea of "Genesis of the Tenement" is to show how these people can survive despite their situation at the tenements and how badly they needed help.
    2nd question: The images help support Riis' claim by giving people a visual example of how these immigrant live.
    4th question: The Child Mortality Rates is a strong evidence to prove how the tenements affected the death rates of the children under the age of five years old.

  7. Question #2: The images helps support Riis claim because it gives people something to view. This shows that he wasn't all words he has something to show to back up what he is saying and to show everyone just how bad the living conditions were.

    Question #3: The advancement of flash photography was beneficial to Riis because this allowed him to take pictures in the dark and he also put together slideshows with the pictures.

    Question #4: The Child Mortality Rates helps support what he says in the text about the death of the kids in his text The chart showed the death rates of children ages five years of age and under.

  8. 1.The central idea was to get the fortunate to realize the living conditions in the tenements. Riis developed the idea by preparing a slideshow for the people.
    2.The images helped Riis determine his claim by making the people realized that the tenements were dirty and for the less fortunate people
    3.The advancement of the flash helped Riis because he could take pictures in the dark and prepare a slideshow for his audience

  9. 1. The central idea was to show the high-class people how the poor people lived under bad condition.Riis developed the idea by showing the high-class people pictures of the immigrants "living"
    3.The advancement of flash photography helped Riis prove his claim by making him take pictures faster and in the dark. So he can show the high-class people how the immigrants were living.
    4.The Child Mortality Rates helps support what Riis claim is, because the chart shows the death rate of kids 5yrs and under.
